Saves Yourself Hours by Creating Reusable Programs Templates

Hector Sanchez
2 min readAug 29, 2018


A template lets you quickly create individualized programs for many clients without compromising the quality of your work or results. 😎

Imagine all the time you could save if you didn’t have to print out Excell training program spreadsheets.

Your clients will love the fact that you can email them custom workouts, keep records of past workouts, and they will rest assured that you’re organized and guiding them on the right path.

A simple framework for a beginner client can look something like this:

Try building a 2x’s a week client program like this:

The Workout Broken Down

Dynamic warm-up: Provide your clients with a warm-up that will help them fix muscular imbalances, injuries, and a warmup that will get them ready for the exercises you have planned for them. Also, you should teach the warm up to your client, so they can have the warm-up completed before they see you.

Primary exercises: Make both days full body and split the workout into push and pull. In choosing the primary exercises, you also wanted the rep range to be in the hypertrophy range so chose large multi-joint exercises and not power movements. Since the client is intermediate, they would be able to handle 4 primary exercises. The squat, bench press, chin up, and deadlift is all done by themselves so the client can focus on performing these movements well.

Secondary exercises: This is where the most variations take place and you can get very creative here. In choosing these exercises, you want to stay true to the push/pull split and put a special focus on core strength. Also included some exercises that will improve the client’s performance within the primary movements. The single leg squat is a good example as it increases knee, ankle, and hip stability.

Rep Range: The client is working throughout a variety of rep ranges. Since the most popular goal is fat loss, the client needs to build up some muscle so have them working within hypertrophy ranges mostly. The workout shifts to becoming more metabolic when the client gets to the secondary exercises. The reps increase and speed intervals are placed throughout.

Positive feedback loop: Beginner clients often are overwhelmed by the whole experience of joining a fitness club and working with a trainer. By designing a complicated program, you make the experience even more overwhelming and set the client up for frustration and failure.

You should make sure your client gets some simple wins to build up their confidence, So make sure you get your clients to see enough results to motivate to motivate them to keep going.

When you start using The Training Notebook, you’ll have more time for coffee, working out, following up with a client and prospecting for new ones. 😎

What are your favorite program templates?

T-Notebook Founder, Coach Hector



Hector Sanchez

Entrepreneur, personal trainer, digital nomad, and ex-military. Creator of The Training Notebook app. Born in Guatemala, raised in Brooklyn, NY.